Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The VrOOM software that we used this week added a little bit to my frustration level. It was software that I didn't understand, and the results didn't work as I expected.
I had a very difficult time hearing what I was supposed to be doing, and I didn't know if that was due to my inexperience with the software or a problem with my computer. We eventually got it working and accomplished our task, but I couldn't help but notice the metaphorical bad taste it left in my mouth. I think the biggest problem I had with it was the sheer amount of options and tweaks you could use with the software. Sure, it's great having powerful software, but at what point do you stop sacrificing usability and consistency for features?

:: sigh :: I would be a terrible software designer.


Solen D. Feyissa said...

I believe your clock is a week backward, if you know what I'm saying.

El Chris said...

I believe that you'll know what I mean when I say "the squeaky bird flies at midnight. Bring cheezy whiz."

Shrimpy lover said...

lol,you will still be better than me, since I am a terrible software user