Thursday, October 9, 2008

Once a nerd, always a nerd

As humans, most often we avoid things that do not mesh well with our personalities, and we will often sell ourselves short of what we can do, simply because we think that it's beyond our abilities. I am as guily as anybody regarding this idea. Often, I have declared myself completely incompetent in a certain area or unable to do a task simply because I believe I won't succeed. I rarely will even attempt it before the declaration of "I can't do this, I'm no good at it."

Such has been my case for web design over the past years. I am a very visual person, and I see myself as a very creative person, but I've always believed that I don't organize things well visually. My room is always messy, I'm very disorganized, and oftentimes the only thing holding me together is a thread of anxiety woven from my disorganization. Sure, I have made websites, but I often tell myself that I've cheated because I use designs and templates that somebody else made up, and I simply filled in the information.

Given this background, I'm sure you can all understand the apprehension I felt when Dr Smidt told us what we were going to have to produce by the end of the semester: a professional website. I'm confident in my ability to print the work I've done, and in my ability to put my work on the Internet, but to piece it all together using programs and techniques I'm unfamiliar with seemed, at least for a few minutes, too much to ask. But, just as the dreaded research seminar I will eventually have to take, this too shall pass. I will get this done and online, ON TIME, and above all, it will look good. No good nerd will ever turn down a challenge to learn more about computers, and a skill as valuable as making a website and posting it on the Internet is too good of a challenge to pass up. We'll see how this turns out.
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Shrimpy lover said...

Well I am glad to know that you still hold a hope for that assignment...but for is almost a desaster already...boooooo:(

Inna said...

Why do you think that using templates as examples is cheating? When we are writing a research paper, we use others examples to learn how to do it, etc. Don't you think it's the way to learn?

Diana Agudelo said...

I'm curious to know what kind of information you will put in your web page: your writing (which by the way I enjoy reading), your pictures, something related to what you are learning? It seems we are going to fomr a choir saying THIS TOO SHALL PASS.